Frequently Asked Questions

The payment methods available for Tv Subscription are:

  • Visa card, Master Card and other online card payment systems.

  • Paypal ( If you want to pay with PayPal, please contact us )
  • Bitcoin and Other Crypto ( If you want to Pay, please contact us )
  • Manual mode: to pay large amount (like more than 500 USD), before payment, you can contact us, and maybe we can provide more payment methods like Western Union  Or Bank Transfer And Others Options
  • If the service is not working for you, you can request a full refund within 2 days of subscribing.

  • If you are new to Tv Subscription and do not know the quality of our service, you can request a 2 hours test account.

  Our servers are the most stable servers and 99.99% uptime and we also have 24/7 maintenance experts. If you have any problem loading the list, please check this first:

  • Maybe you are using a slow VPN.

  • You can turn off your VPN or change it.

  • If You Still have Problem Contact Us Our support Will help you.
  • Tv Subscription uses advertising systems like Google and other companies to develop services and attract new users. We therefore collect cookies from visitors and use them for optimal advertising. This information includes the type of browser, your screen resolution, user behavior on the Your-IPTV site, your ISP and …

  • This information is used for promotional purposes only and will not be provided to anyone under any circumstances.

  • You receive your Code immediately By Email Sometimes it takes up to 1 Hour
Select your currency
en_USEnglish (United States)

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